Re: implementing multiple smtp servers...

It looks like I'm the only one to write in this thread but I don't know why
I receive all answer as private mail.

Ok know I believe that everybody has the same idea.
The only difference is when the set default values is a valid ID or a
hidden one (not valid).
I agree that we can hide it but it should be saved with the same structure
(identity) and should be use if the user doen't want to use identity stuff.

So we had a "Enable multi-identity support" check box in preferences.
If the box is not checked all identity related gui stuff are hidden and
default values are used.

Other way to explain my opinion: Today a user who doesn't care about
multi-identity can (need to?) fill the filed in preferences and in the
default ID dialogboxes. This is confusing and not logical.


Christophe Barbé <>
GnuPG FingerPrint: E0F6 FADF 2A5C F072 6AF8  F67A 8F45 2F1E D72C B41E

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