Re: [ANNOUNCE] balsa-1.2.pre1 released

On 2001.08.09 09:20:54 +0200 Cristina Nunes wrote:
> Done it...
> It still crashes/hangs.
> Here's a cut (of the crash).


i dont think this will be helpfull. a normal STRACE
doesnt find the problem..

please do this... after you compiled and installed
balsa. open 'xterm' or 'gnome-terminal'

enter this

'gdb balsa'

now it takes a while... now use balsa normally and
wait until it crashes... you are now prompted back
in gdb (look in the xterm or gnome terminal) if you
are not prompted back into gdb then press 'CTRL-C'

now enter


and the things you get output now, please cut and
paste this into an email, this is more helpfull.

gdb is the gnu debugger, if you havent installed it
then please make sure you install it.

Name....: Ali Akcaagac
Status..: Student Of Computer & Economic Science

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