Re: Umlauts in 1.1.7

On Tue,  7 August 17:03 Albrecht Dreß wrote:
> Franz,
> looking into the sources of your two mails, the only significant difference
> are the header lines
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
> which are present in the message sent from balsa, but missing in that coming
> from pan. I am not a "rfc guru", but I guess that this at least might cause
> some trouble. Not sure if it causes the problem you described, though...

If the charset paremeter to Content-Type: is missing, the character set must
be assumed to be us-ascii and that no characters have the MSB set.
Any header starting Content- is a MIME header.  MIME is described in RFC 2045
to RFC 2049 inclusive.

Brian Stafford

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