Dnd bis repetita

I'm stilll looking at how to change the default DnD action in balsa.

For what I've understood in gtk DnD, there's no way to said which action
should be associated with a drag event without modifier key pressed (we
want "move"). The action, associated with this, is copy and then the drag
icon has a "+" to indicate it.

It's easy to considere Copy drag event as balsa transfert event and Move
drag event as Copy balsa event. But to be acceptable we need to change the
drag cursor associated which each drag.

The drag Icon+Pointer is drawn with an icon (which could be dynamically
changed) and a Pointer which seems impossible to change.

I think now that the only way to do it, is to duplicate the gtkdnd code and
adapt it to balsa.

Is there a better way ?

Is it acceptable to duplicate the gtkdnd code ?


Christophe Barbé <christophe.barbe@online.fr>
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