Looking good, but...

Finally, someone is getting a good email client put together that is
just an email client instead of being the Outlook mistake that Evolution
is.  I am having one problem though.  Whenever I try and check my email
I'm getting the following error:

Message: 135981024, 0, POP3
Message: 136105120, 0, POP3: AIM
POP3 D: CheckPopMail head
POP3 D: Open buffer mailbox
POP3 E: Cannot open the temporary mailbox to spool POP3 messages:
Message: 135943848, 0, Local Mail
Message: 135943848, 4, Finished

As you can tell, it's a POP account and I've named it AIM.  The
permissions on the file should be write, they're
-rw-rw----  almric mail

Where my user name is almric.

Thanks for any input.

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