Re: profiles

kažkada, berods An, 2000-10-31 16:43-0600, Raven rašė:
> You are suggesting that the multiple identities ("profiles") be handled by
> the mail client, while I am suggesting that the job should be done by
> logging onto Linux under different user names. I believe that balsa can
> handle my scenario now, and that further, this would be the more
> theoretically correct scenario.

In your suggestion, I must configure Balsa, and Gtk+ with same settings,
except .signature and mail address. That's not convenient. Even more, I get
all my mail with fetchmail and filter it through procmail. Yes, it's easy to
forward some of my mail into another users' inbox. But use such
configuration is not convenient. Have two of Balsa running at the same
time... This is such a common feature for MUAs, most extensively implemented
in Pegasus Mail, I think.

BTW, this message is sent from mutt. Just "set reverse_realname" in your
~/.muttrc file, and it uses correct address to send from. Just signature
remains the same, but you can make a folder-hook or send-hook and have lots
of different signatures for various conditions.

Gediminas Paulauskas    -=-
El. paštas lietuviškai  -=-

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