balsa crash identified


I checked what Frederic Ros described :

- run balsa.
- open a mailbox.
- select a message
- click on the small cross of the window, not on the File/Quit menu
- balsa crashes (every times I tried)

running under gdb :

Breakpoint 1, message_destroyed_cb (message=0x8175ca0, bm=0x806130c)
    at balsa-message.c:312
312     balsa-message.c: Aucun fichier ou répertoire de ce type.
(gdb) print bm->message
$1 = (LibBalsaMessage *) 0x80a5e9a
(gdb) step
balsa_message_set (bm=0x813e110, message=0x0) at balsa-message.c:330
330     in balsa-message.c
(gdb) print bm->message
$2 = (LibBalsaMessage *) 0x80

bm->message is the symbol that causes problem. Before function 
balsa_message_set (in message_destroyed_cb) , it's a significant value, but 
at the very beginning of the function, it has an invalid value (0x80)

Can someone explain this to me ?


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