Re: Address Look-up

On Tue, 04 Jul 2000 20:16:34 Pawel Salek wrote:
> On 2000-07-04 12:28 Ken Schar wrote:
> > I was wondering if there is a way to perform an address lookup rather
> > than opening the addressbook program. A lookup similar to the
> > "nickname" field in pine would appear to me to be very useful in most
> > situations.
> I wonder if a shortcut to pop up the address book would not be
> sufficient, wouldn't it? (and then a shortcut for moving the selected entry
> to the
> right, and similar shortcut for OK, or another shortcut for moving+OK to
> minimize the number of keystrokes when we want to send mail to one
> person only which is likely the most frequent case). Does it sound
> reasonable?

If its like pine, I would type 'Pawel' + enter, and Balsa would expand
that to "Pawel Salek <>", and move the acive box to
Subject:.  That is 6 keystrokes.
    If I want to send mail to multiple people, I type "Pawel,John"
+ enter.  This results to Balsa expanding both names, and moving to
the subject line.
    If I have more than one match for "Pawel" (say "Pawel", and
"Pawel's old e-mail") it should pop up the addressbook, and let me choose.
    If its like you describe above, its <modifier-A> to get the
addressbook, "Pawel" to search for Pawel, <modifier-right> to make it active,
<modifier-enter> to add it in.  This is 8 keystrokes, and requires me to
wait for a pop-up box.  This wait is about 0.1 seconds, but I still need
to wait between keystrokes.  My eyes then need to focus on a new part on
the screen.  I find it irritating, but it won't result in unresolved
aliases.  Can't we do both?

> /Pawel
> -- 
> Pawel Salek (
> Theoretical Chemistry Division, KTH voice: +46 8 790-8202
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Kind regards,				  
Berend De Schouwer, +27-11-712-1435, UCS

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