Re: Filter

At 01:19 AM 12/15/00, Dmitri Pogosyan wrote:
>Gaelyne expressed exactly the sentiment I got from this discussion.
>Thanks,  quoting you saved me lots of typing :)
>In addition, I really prefer ( 'unix ') way when separate layers do 
>what they are supposed
>to do and do it well.   I have sendmail running great, procmail filtering
>polished, and have no desire to touch them.
>Now from MUA I want first (and almost  only)  the ability to display the 
>(in all richness) and compose messages
>(in several languages). Suprisingly no MUA on the Linux scene I'm aware of is
>flawless even for this basic task.
>                 Dmitri Pogosyan

         Let's put the filters issue problem succinctly:

         End users (who, presumably are the target audience for Balsa) have 
no obvious way to filter messages.

         There are powerful Unix tools to accomplish everything including 
putting the cat out, which makes it good for developers.

         We want to somehow make a nice GUI dialog for end users which 
either on its own or using some other tool such as Seive, accomplishes 
message filtering.  But it should NOT do this in such a way that it 
invalidates existing tools.

         Sounds like a Seive agent which works post delivery would 
work.  Is there any code available for a Seive agent which could be 
incorporated into Balsa?

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