Re: spell check with RH7

On Thu, 14 Dec 2000, Gediminas Paulauskas wrote:
> It is not a reply, but another issue.
> kažkada, berods An, 2000-12-12 21:13-0500, Dmitri Pogosyan rašė:
> > ispell works fine outside balsa).  If I use russian koi8-r language with
> > ispell choice, balsa just crashes with segmentation fault
> > (again, outside balsa koi8-r ispell works fine)
> in spell checking, there is a simple (I think too simple) regexp, which
> separates message into words. it is something like "[:alpha:]", but locale
> isn't set to one specified for message. For the same reason, some words are
> not recognize as words, if inside there are accented characters. At least it
> is for lt_LT.ISO-8859-13, but it could be glibc problem.
> So, before spell checking, correct locale should be set.

I coded that part, the regex used is: \<[[:alpha:]']*\>

I know that it causes problems with accented charcters but when I put out a
call for a regex that would handle these cases, I received no response.  If
someone who has this problem would play with egrep and a text file and
figure out a regex that would work, the code can be easily changed.

This may properly be a libc problem, as I initially assumed it would
automatically consider accented characters to be included in [:alpha:] when
the locale was changed.  But until it is fixed a new working regex would be
a good patch.


Matthew Guenther                   The squeaky wheel doesn't always get              the grease... Sometimes it gets replaced.

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