Access to CVS


I'm new to the list and have been thinking about a top tier mail client for
Linux for some time. I like what you have done to date and would like to
make a contribution. The balsa page mentions little about assisting
development so if someone could forward the info by mail that would be
great. I have already found some issues with the first release that need
looking into:

The druid balks if the default inbox (/var/spool/mail/*) doesn't exist
complaining that it can't create it.
The program exits with an error if it tries to look up the POP server
hostname and can't
The "Create a Mailbox" menuitem and the server preferences are inconsistant:
  - The local spool is not listed as a server
  - There is no option to add a POP mailbox, only local or IMAP

I'd like to dig in and work so just tell me where the CVS server is and how
to submit patches and I'll get going...

Related to that, is there a list of stuff needing work, as above or is that
part of the bug traking (I haven't look at it yet I'm going there after

Have a happy Easter (for those inclined) :-)

Erik Petersen <>
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