RE: New ideas for balsa

May I make a suggestion?
Do what Imlib did for images...
Make a genaric mail transfer library that uses other more spacific mail
transfer libraries. Also make it entirely text based. With this setup, pine
and balsa can share a back end. Alot of mail readers can be programmed with
verry little code... :)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bruno Pires Marinho []
> Sent: Thursday, June 17, 1999 5:50 PM
> To:
> Subject: New ideas for balsa
> I have been thinking and I had this idea to rewrite balsa in 
> a way that
> makes the program small and supporting many features. We can do this
> because a user will not use POP, IMAP, NNTP, SMTP, etc at the 
> same time.
> We can also have many different ways to add protocols to the program.
> This idea is just the middle ware between the front-end and 
> the back-end.
> We define a interface for plugins. Each plugin can handle a different
> mailbox type. For instance, one plugin can handle POP with fetchmail,
> other can handle POP with gnome-mail, other can handle local 
> mailboxes,
> etc. We just need to define the correct interface for the plugin.
> Each plugin knows how to get mail, how to configure to get 
> mail, how to
> search on the mailbox, how to sort the mailbox, how to filter 
> the email
> and send it to other mailboxes.
> We can also have another type of plugins to send emails. Each plugin a
> different protocol.
> Some of the functions can be shared between the plugins 
> through a library
> or something.
> The plugins can be built using other solid programs that exist on unix
> like fetchmail and procmail.
> So the front-end just has to associate a plugin type to every 
> mailbox it
> manages.
> Using this method we can easily add new protocols to the program.
>                                                Bruno Pires Marinho
> -- 
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