Re: PATCH - small bug in mailbox window?

hi Bertrand,

> said:
>// is there a logical reason the ctree was set to 3 columns?  
>yes. go to the pref editor and check the ui->show mailbox info button.
>Anyway, the fact your mailbox names are trucated is a bug which I will
>fix as soon as I have some spare time.

ahhhh I remember now... funny, those other columns aren't working in my
current 0.4.9 build...
But I remember seeing them... hmm I should have thought of it sorry.

ahh well, I better submit a real bug report then..

Hows this one:
When you double click on a mailbox that is a folder (which is my eudora-esq
way of opening the folder) it appears to try and lock the folder twice and
an error message popup appears "Unable to Open Mailbox". The stdout says
something like: "ERROR: Mailbox Lock Exists".

Is it trying to lock it twice because I double clicked? Would we could use
the double click to open the folder (because it's intuitive, to me anyway),
without getting the error.

Wayne Schuller - BSc. (Computer Science) Network Administrator
Centre for Health Program Evaluation - Austin Repat Hospital - Heidelberg.
Web:  My phone: (03) 94964448

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