Re: crash / sending mail / text widgets

I don't think we should worry about word wrap on outgoing mail yet.  I 
think incoming is much more important.  

> The three we can use are GtkText (currently in use) GtkExText (which we've
> talked about w/ the author :) ) , and GtkEditor.  Currently, GtkText is
> being replaced and I caught Owen on IRC -- he explicitly asked me not to
> try to extend it to support "normal" text-editor-style cursor movements.

Who's this owen guy and why wouldn't he want us to use extend the gtktext 
widget just for balsa? How is that any diffrent than writing a widget based
on gtkEdit. Any way it looks like non of these widgets work the way we would
want them to.  Writing a widget seams like the only solution. waiting for
another for a widget to do what we need it to do would also work.
> I could write my own widget based on GtkText, but it's a bit convoluted.  
> GtkExText doesn't have word wrap although it does look nice, and GtkEditor
> is more directly focussed on 'code' editing.
> What would you think about an option for alternate editor?  I imagine a
> button on the composition window that would launch pico, emacs, etc,

personally I like vim. seams like an easy way out.  we all have our favorite
editing enviroment.  are there any bonobo embedable editors?  I'm not sure
how hard it would be to bonobize (is that a word) balsa. 

> (possibly in a ZvtTerm Widget), make the text widget not sensitive, then
> re-load the text widget with the edited (tmp) file when the widget with
> pico/emacs/etc. is destroyed.

why bother with a ZvTerm Widget just have a checkbox that says run in terminal.
and if its checked then run gnome-terminal. "gnome-term -e %s" if gnome-term
isn't available (it should be)   xterm -e.  Wait for that to return and 


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