RE: Commit mailbox, good idea?

> Imagine a mailbox that has, say, 5000 1k-10k messages in it.
> Now, imagine if, each time you hit delete, it has to write that 5Mb-50Mb
> mailbox back to disk without the little 10k slice from the middle somewhere.
> On the other hand, with commit, you can delete as many as you like, and then
> they all get wiped at once.
> I'd say that auto-committing would be good on exit or on a configurable
> periodic basis, though.

Ok, good point! But I still suggest we provide the option I mentioned. That makes three choices: direct commit, auto-commit on a periodic basis, manual commit.

Does it make sense? It does to me, especially since I almost always have less than 50 mails at a time per mailbox.


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