Re: Initial setup problem

The way I solved this was to create a directory called Mail under my home
directory. Then I touched Inbox, Outbox, and Trash. Then I changed the
paths in the dialog to where I had touched the files, and Balsa was

Good luck....


On Wed, 21 Oct 1998 wrote:

> My apologies if this has been answered before, but in checking the
> archives, I can't find an answer.  I'm trying to run Balsa, but
> when I run the program for the first time, it acts as if the inbox &
> outbox can't be created.  I'm at a loss, as in checking the archives,
> downloading should have solved the problem, i.e. the program
> can't create a .balsarc file.  HELP!
> Someone had posted a patch for getting past the next button in the
> setup notebook, but in looking at the patch posted, it looks like it was
> implemented already in the balsa-init.c and I'm not sure that was
> applicable to the ceation of the mail directories required by balsa.
> Regards,
> Erich R. Carter
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