Minutes of GNOME Asia Summit (20221018)

Meeting minutes is now available on

= October 18 2022 Meeting =

 1. Kristi
 1. SammyFung
 1. fenris
 1. Syzawan

== Agenda ==

 * GNOME.Asia Summit 2022 Update
 * A.O.B.
 * When will we meet next time?

== Meeting notes ==

 * GNOME.Asia Summit 2022 Update
   * GNOME Foundation paid the deposit amount.
   * The local team signs 1 invitation letter, it expects that more letters will be ready to sign soon after the travel committee makes the decision on travel sponsorship.
   * Local team is inviting one of the keynote speakers (Dr. Mazlan) and is waiting for the response, they are still finalising who will be another keynote speaker.
   * Currently we only have 23 registrations.
 * A.O.B.
 * When will we meet next time?
   * 25 October 2022, Tuesday (13:00 UTC)

== Action Items ==

 * AI: Kristi will notify all submitters about the result after travel committee made their sponsoring decision.
 * AI: Local team will check the banner cost and A6 badge card cost. 
 * AI: [[https://gitlab.gnome.org/Teams/Engagement/Events/GNOMEAsia/-/issues/69|Pending website items]].

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