Only me and Kristi showed up so we decided to postpone the meeting until 20th July 2021Not sure i have time to attend myself then, as i have to buy food and mentally prep for GUADEC then, but will attend the Asia Summit too as a visitor if i have time, when the dates have been chosenOn Tue, Jul 6, 2021 at 2:29 PM Luna Jernberg <droidbittin gmail com> wrote:Alright, I need an invite to that chat channel then, to be able to join :)On Tue, Jul 6, 2021 at 2:27 PM Kristi Progri <kprogri gnome org> wrote:@ Luna, you can join as well!
We usually send the log with action items and participants.Best,
On 06/07/2021 14:22, Luna Jernberg wrote:
Is it okay to join the meeting as a guest? or will you send out the log about what you have talked about afterwards?
On Tue, Jul 6, 2021 at 7:33 AM Sammy Fung <sammy opensource hk> wrote:
--Reminder for GNOME.Asia Meeting
* GNOME.Asia Summit 2021 Update* When will we meet next time?
13:00 UTC
Schedule Date: July 6 Tuesday, 2021
Time: 1300 UTC
Chat Channel:
Please email me to access the above private channel on the chat server before the meeting if you don't have access.
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asia-summit-list gnome org