Everyone discuss and review GNOME.Asia summit 2018 proposal.
nuritzi suggest we should have BoFs/hackfests during the summit - it should easy to plan after board say yes to the proposal but will check with venue and COSCUP.
sammyfung interested to attract more local students to connect with GNOME commmunity. mulli could come up with security-minded hackfest for a two day period or so.
nuritzi reminder if there is a modified GNOME logo this year, we should get it approved by Board.
nuritzi will take the status to board and ask board review and make decision.
Everyone vote for GNOME.Asia summit 2018 exclude sakana ( Because he is local team ) -- result: pass
sakana will notify COSCUP the result of vote.
sakana will send the proposal to GNOME board
Everyone discuss the PM of GNOME.Asia summit 2018.
sakana is local team this year, maybe Wen could be PM of 2018, sakana will ask wen's willing.
Who could help announce the result of GNOME.Asia summit 2018?
nuritzi will help announce the result of GNOME.Asia summit 2018