Hi, Emily,
Yes, we should discuss and decide on next meeting. If we agree for annual budget for local events, we should make a draft and discuss with foundation.
I would love to join BLUG/BGUG events, but my flight departed last evening, I will try to join when I come to Beijing next time.
-emilytonite, we will have a BLUG party, all the speakers who are still in Beijing will join us.Sammy,Those are really good suggestions. Call for bid soon and annual budget for GNOME.Asia and local event sounds a good idea. We should do it than just talking.
If you are also in Beijing, please try to join.
2014-05-26 17:01 GMT+00:00 Sammy Fung <sammy opensource hk>:
Thanks Beijing team organizing a successful GNOME Asia Summit 2014 last weekend at their city. I enjoys it so much.So, i suggest we should call for meeting later to summarize and decide date we should start call for host. For Call for Host, I think we can do it earlier and allow a much longer period (3 months or more) for any Asia cities/user groups to prepare and submit their proposals.
On the other hand, at our discussion in the last session of day 2 - Ramblings from the governing body of the GNOME Foundation, I suggested that we can consider and discuss with Foundation whether it is possible to allocate a annual budget, to call for proposals from local user groups in Asia, and let them organize a local event helping the growth and development of GNOME project (such as l10n, documentation, hackathons), which is similar to suggestion from another guy (I forgot his name) who talked about Mozilla Rep program.
In this summit, we found 2 potential new Asia cities/counties to host summit in the future. :)--
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