Dear Tong Hui:Not change to UTC 14:00 yet, just discuss for the meeting time modified.MaxOn Mon, Sep 2, 2013 at 4:55 AM, tong hui <tonghuix gmail com> wrote:I remembered meeting time modified to 14:00UTC, is it correct?On Mon, Sep 2, 2013 at 5:50 AM, Max <sakanamax gmail com> wrote:
_______________________________________________Dear ALL:
July 23 2013 Meeting
- karen
- Tobias
- Haggen
- sammy
- tonghuix
- sakana
- Review Action Item
- GNOME Asia Summit 2014
- When will we meet next?
Meeting notes
- Review Action Items
- Ask everyone to update the spreadsheet on slide and blog and Haggen will review it in the next meeting. [Done]
- When the item on shortening the GNOME User video was brought up, there was a discussion on whether and/or how we should produce a 30 second trailer for promotion. The discussion of this trailer would be continued on the mailing list. [Still need discuss in the mail list]
- Sakana will complete the Press Release. [Done]
- Haggen will circulate the updated draft Call for Host. [Done]
- Announce the Call for Host on 1 Aug. 1 Sep is deadline of submission. The announcement of the winning bid is on the 3rd week of Sep. [Already Announce the Call for Host]
Everyone discuss the short version (30 secs) video about GNOME.Asia 2013, Thanks Young-bin Han works hard for video, we would love to wait his next video in the future.
- GNOME Asia Summit 2014
- Beijing team is preparing the proposal for GNOME.Asia summit 2014. For big venue, maybe some expense needed.
- There are some potential bid team for GNOME.Asia summit 2014, sakana will mail to them in these days.
BinLi had talked about co-work with openSUSE, everyone suggest BinLi could talk more with openSUSE team in beijing.
- Sunny talked to RD team in beijing and they support the co-work plan.
- openSUSE team will very hope to cooperate with GNOME.Asia.
- Sammy suggest Beijing team should move quick to discuss and finalize the proposal asap and try to call for a meeting with openSUSE Manager Sunny.
- When will we meet next?
- We will meet next week on Tuesday, 3 Sep,2013 at 14:30 UTC in #asia-summit
Action items
- sakana will mail to asking the other potential bidders to remind them that the deadline is approaching.
BinLi will invite Sunny to join the IRC meeting next week.
asia-summit-list mailing list
asia-summit-list gnome org
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