Re: 4 laptops from Lemote

Dear Emily

For OS suggestion, I suggest openSUSE and Fedora

To get GNOME 3, there are always get GNOME 3 with openSUSE and Fedora first


On Tue, Mar 19, 2013 at 10:30 AM, Emily Chen <emilychen522 gmail com> wrote:
Hi all,

I got 4 laptop from Lemote yesterday, two problems:
1. The laptop installed with KDE, I think we need to install GNOME on it. If yes, what OS we choose ?
2. The box of 4 laptop is heavy, the better way to bring those laptop across custom officer is to remove boxes. I will ask speakers from Beijing to bring those 4 laptops to summit since I am not coming to the summit. Who from our organizing team will take care of those 4 laptops? Simon, can you point a person to take care of those laptops ? 


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