I corrected the typo.
Presenters are welcome to submit (and should) any talk on the website. To make it more clear I added another category. The categories are simple to add in the admin tool.
I don't know why Lightning talks are listed on the the live.gnome.org. That seems a really bad place to do that to me.
On 2/20/13 8:49 PM, Emily Chen wrote:
Hi Will and all,
I found there are one typo on the CFP website:
Other topics could include any typic related to Free and Open Source Software not listed above.
Another question:
When submitting the talks from http://2013.gnome.asia/cfp/submission/ Why Lightning talks are not listed here ? Instead, submit lightning talks from https://live.gnome.org/GnomeAsia/2013Summit/LightningTalks ?
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