2013 Fundraising and local companies


I want to take this time to bring up an old point. I know I keep talking about this every year so bear with me if you've heard this 100 times.

Fundraising is a difficult task every year. It is not made easier when we have had our challenges with delays and problems with venue confirmation. We have gotten more adept at handling this task over the years but there is an area we must seek to improve upon. We need to work harder at sourcing funds local to the Summit's host city and country.

We are always looking for that magic international sponsor that will donate 5, 10 or 15k USD to the Summit. Those funds are becoming much more difficult to get, given the unstable global economy. Instead we need to additionally look at getting 10 small sponsors who are willing to give $500. We have a lot to offer a small / medium business that wants to get their name, logo and company profile out on an international stage. You cannot buy the organic inbound traffic to their own websites that the GNOME.Asia Summit website could drive to them.

We need to be creative in our fundraising. We must also be persistent. We need to make calls and pound the streets (or at least phone and email) letting people know that the Summit is coming and that they -want- to be a part.

Karen has been a great help, just as Stormy was before, at leveraging the GNOME Foundations strategic partners. It is our duty to respond in kind, with our efforts at local fundraising. If you need ideas on how to approach companies or assistance in some way, just ask! The Summit Committee will help.



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