Local team items for action and research

Local Team members,

We need to collect the following information:

1)  Local vendor to print paper collateral for the Summit
2)  Local vendor to create banners for the Summit
3) Local vendor to screen print shirts for the Summit in a variety of sizes. Potentially 2 different shirts will be needed.

4) Local hotels near the venue to stay at for people traveling to the summit * For these hotels we should inquire as to whether or not we can get a better rate if we block out sets of rooms.

5) Directions to the venue from all mass transit systems: (airport, train, bus, metro/subway/mtr)
  *  airport(s)
  *  train
  *  bus
  *  metro/subway/mtr
  *  driving

6) Local restaurants for evening dinners near the hotels, local bars, pubs or places of interest

7)  Wireless network information and status for the venue

8)  Mobile phone support (Sim card,  temporary phones? ) for attendees

I will continue to build this list, but please feel free to send anything to me. I will creating a planning area for this information.


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