Poster for training session in universities

Hi Jinkyu,

We think it will be very helpful to have a poster about our training session, you can post in universities. We did this for previous GNOME.Asia Summit in 2008 and found it can bring lots of students.

If you can find some local students to help, ask them to post in their university, that will be cool.

Yu Liansu helped to designed a poster below for our training session. the svg file is also provided if you think translate to Korean language will be more useful.

2013/4/9 Jinkyu Yi <jincreator jincreator net>

Hi, everyone!

I attached first draft of calling for volunteers.

Please note this is DRAFT, should needs lots of fix, full with typo and wrong expressions.

Any fix would be welcome.


As you see in attachment, these are two language version, but not every people can speak both.

Just modify one of it, and tell me which one is modified.

I of someone else will sync it. 



Jinkyu Yi 

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