- There is a group of lugs organized by university students, jincreator and darkcircle will attend the meeting this week and try to promote GNOME.Asia.
- Jincreator wrote draft of calling for volunteers and will share / discuss in mail list. Jincreator will be co-ordinating the volunteer.
BinLi will help training program in summit, and Sammyfung will help plan BoF for summit.
- For hotel booking for organizers, Simon will help, and sakana will give Simon list.
- Everyone discuss One Day Tour method, Zugwan and Simon will plan one day tour.
- For local speaker for training session, everyone discuss and plan invite sunjin yang (gtk, gobject expert).
We should have translate help for training program, and DarkCircle and Jincreator will help.
- For summit is coming, we should have budget detail, Simon will help query budget detail.
Sammyfung get reply from RedHat Asia. RedHat replied and ask for their marketing in Korea office for opinions.
- Karen sent an email today to our US contact asking about bundling with GUADEC.
- LG sent application form to committee and wait reply from gnome.asia.
- We should make document with NIPA.