Re: Hackfest / Asia Summit

Dear Vikash,

Thanks for your interest in GNOME!

The purpose of the hackfest is mainly to work on the GNOME 3.0 release and help to grow the GNOME community in Asia.

Hence the Hackfest is invitation only, but people from the community can put forth proposals about what they could work on or how they could contribute at the hackfest.   Invitations can be extended to anyone within the GNOME or Free Software community with a good, relevant idea to propose and the motivation to get involved.  By relevant proposal we mean something focused on the GNOME 3 launch, improving the GNOME community in Asia, etc.  In this case, please prepare a proposal for us to consider.

Otherwise, you are very welcome to join our conference on 2-3 April, which will be on the weekends. More information can be found on website. Have you registered for this event yet? If not, please register and help us to spread the word by putting one of our banners in your blog or website! banners can be found at
Please help us to invite your friends and other students from your institute as well! Thanks!


On 03/14/2011 12:23 AM, vikash agrawal wrote:
Respected Sir,
I am a student of Manipal Institute of Technology in the branch Information and Communication Technology. I am a great believer of FOSS and is using linux for almost 2 years. Sir I am really looking forward in attending the 7 - days events (including hackfest and Asia Summit ) and would like to contribute to GNOME in every possible I can.
I would like to request you to let me know the procedure to register as soon as possible, also I have one problem that I would like to bring into your notice. Being a college student I will face certain problems regarding my attendance status, as a result can i get a letter after the completion of hackfest that could certify my presence and I dont face the similar problems.
Expecting a reply soon
Vikash Agrawal
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