Dear Mohd,
On 06/02/2011 11:53 PM, Mohd Fazli Azran wrote:
Hi Pockey & Emily,
I just want to ask about topic above. We now preparing and
organize the biggest open source conference at Malaysia. If any
GNOME can participate as
1) Sending speaker
2) Freebies from GNOME
Just want information if any feedback from gnome and how i
can ask for it. I just sent to both of you regarding this to get
the information how i can ask GNOME Foundation regarding topic
above. Thanks
Here the detail on our MOSC2011 If any query dont
hesitate to contact back. Thanks
Thanks for your invitation! I went to your website, the event will
be in less than 1 month, on July 3-5, can you give me more
information as below so I can help you to forward to the right
mailing lists to ask for supports?
What's the theme?
Who are your potential speakers?
Any confirmed speakers?
Who will attend (as participants)?
What's the purpose / objectives, etc?
Mohd Fazli Azran
MSC MOSC 2011 Secretariat.
Mobile : +