Re: Regarding GNOME 3.0 Bangalore Hack fest 2011

Dear Prasad,

The Hackfest is only for current members of the GNOME release and marketing team, so it's somewhat private/invitation only. There is no competition neither, the objective of the hackfest is to get GNOME 3.0 fully tested and documented for its release.

Now I would recommend that you attend the conference which is happening on Saturday April 2nd and open to all. There will be a minimal entry fee as it is standard in India as follows (exact fee still under discussion):
- Students $4-$5
- Delegates $10
- Corporate delegates $50

Thank you very much for your interest. We hope this answers your questions.

Kind regards,

Fred Muller
GNOME.Asia Committee

On 01/24/2011 05:59 PM, Prasad Ganapayya Gowda wrote:

I’m employee in MINDTREE. And I want to attend the fest but not
attending the Hacking competition do we have any charges to attend?
please provide the details.


Prasad Gowda


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