GNOME.Asia Hackfest / Summit 2011 AI

Dear all,

I have separated the action items of committee tasks and GNOME.Asia Summit organization tasks.  The local Bangalore team will be only taking care of the summit / hackfest organization tasks. Of course all of us will do our best to support the local team to ensure the successful of the Summit / Hackfest.

Please find below some action items of the summit / hackfest organization tasks.
Let's update the status and get ready for the meeting tomorrow!

Action items for the Summit / Hackfest:

1. Lakhil / Bharath to start drafting site content like venue, location, travel, visa information and Will will help to organize the site contents, deadline is January 11, 2011

2. Lakhil / Bharath / Fred to send out the call for sponsor draft

3. Lakhil to send the call for participant (draft) to the committee for review

abharath / Lakhil to confirm other venues for the three days hackfest plus 2 days optional and 1 day conference

srag to talk to Intel campus to get a place for 15 people for 2 days hackfest and get back to us

  abharath to confirm the accommodation plan for hackers

7. MAX to source / test a suitable video conferencing / streaming tool (FOSS) so we can connect different events worldwide

Bharath / Akhil to gather initial feedbacks from GNOME users in and India and then put those feedback on

Completed action items:

1. Fred drafted the call for sponsor layouts at

Fred sent a date proposal to the three teams and awaiting for feedbacks from the three teams (GNOME marketing / document / release teams)

3. abharath created a wiki page to start collecting activities of the hackfest (

- Pockey

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