On Fri, 2011-02-04 at 20:54 +0800, Pockey Lam wrote: > Dear all, > > Please find below the agenda of the coming IRC meeting. In order to > save time for the irc meeting, let's update our action item status by > email before the next meeting, thanks! > > ------------------------------------------------------------------ > > Schedule: > Date: Feb 8, 2011 - Tuesday > Time: 1400 UTC (1 hour) > Channel: #asia-summit at GIMPnet server > > Agenda: > 1) Update on outstanding action item status > 2) Update on Call for sponsor > 3) Discuss and decide on 1 day or 2 day conference > 4) Plan the GNOME training [1] (how many trainers do we need? who can > be our potential trainers?) > 5) Plan the Technical helpdesk (who can be the potential helpers?) > 6) Decide on the day of "Registration open" for the conference > 7) Review the check-list: > http://live.gnome.org/GnomeAsia/2011Summit/CheckList > 8) Other open topics > > [1] e.g. suggested topics: how to contribute to GNOME and show > students how to write a simple app. Fred also suggested to have talk > about compilation lesson for gnome 3.0, or GTK 3 hacking. > > New action items from last meeting: > > 1. fred to update the call for sponsor document to add 1 more package > to attract more smaller companies to sponsor us (and then Lakhil and > Abharath to approach smaller companies) (DONE) > > 2. Emily to send an email to invite Fred to join the upcoming adboard > meeting to present our hackfest (DONE) > > 3. Fred to work on a presentation / slides of the updates / > attractions of Hackfest / GNOME.Asia Summit 2011 and gnome 3.0 launch > party, send draft to the committee to review and present in the > upcoming adboard meeting at 12am (local Beijing Time) on 9th Feb > (local Beijing time) > > 4. Everybody to review the checklist / previous action items, and send > updates by email to the mailing list > > *****newly added after the meeting => 5. Bharath to get a floor plan > of the venue for booths planning Bharath has contacted college and he should be able to give us floor plan. We will get you floor plan before next meeting. > > Outstanding previous action items: > > 1. abharath, lakhil to update the local companies list @ potential > sponsor page: > - http://live.gnome.org/GnomeAsia/2011Summit/PotentialSponsors No update. > > 2. Will to work on the website: > a) use test.gnome.asia to work on the new generic site (only launch > it when it's ready) > b) registration system testing before live > > 3. Bharath / Akhil to put hotel information after bargain the discount > with hotels in the hackfest page as soon as possible > No update. > 4. Everybody to start writing faq for site > Bharath and myself have worked on initial set of faq. We will upload them tomorrow on wiki so others can review and add more. > 5. Bharath to find details for tax-free bank account > (it is suggested to partner with another local non-profit organization > to help to get the funding to avoid tax) > No update. > 6. Bharath to reply on Pockey's email about marketing materials > standard size > (and then Pockey to ask Andreas help on design) > > 7. Akhil to check the bandwidth available at the venue We have contacted college for bandwidth / network queries, but they have suggested us to setup our own network. It will help them to keep their network separate. Looks like we will have to contact an ISP. > > 8. Will / Max to work on the live streaming video for the conference > > 9. Max to send us email to update the web conference tool > (to test the web conference tool (justin.tv) with BJ GNOME User Group > as next step, and if the quality is good, Max to write a how-to in a > wiki page so different launch parties organizers can connect their > events together) > Sorry for not able to keep the required progress on AIs. - Akhil
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