GNOME.Asia presentation outline

Dear all,

Sorry for the delay. Please find below the outline of both presentations. Comments definitely welcome:

GNOME.Asia Summit:
Slide 1: Objectives/missions
. Build a strong GNOME community in Asia
. Spread and support local GNOME efforts
. Bring a real contact with people

Slide 2: Background
. Going to the 4th years
. 3 conferences reaching 500 to 1000 people
. Gave birth to 2 GUG
. a few other projects
- group event kit
- GNOME 3.0 launch parties
- UX survey
- Topics for GUGs
- PyGTK/ how to quickly write apps for GNOME slides

Slide 3: This year
. GNOME 3.0 release
. Hackfest
. Thematic sessions (business, distro collaboration, students training)
. Bangalore
. Back to having only GNOME people/companies involved

Slide 4: Status
. CFP out (GNOME 3.0, building communities)
. CFS out
. Novell & Intel interested and actively participating

Slide 5: Budget
. Conference itself < $15000
. Speakers travel & accommodation ~ $35000
. Slighty higher budget than 2010 but international reach/speakers

Slide 6: Challenges
. New country means new local partners
. Difficult to built relationships
. Each country/local community has different needs & expectations

Slide 7: Solutions
. a few major Int'l companies support us each year, and one regional one
. trying to bring values to regional software dev community by offering:
- training sessions (how to make money with GNOME)
- case studies and projects that we can advertise
. slowly raise awareness with the conferences and the GUGs
. diversify the committee origin (India, China, HK, Taiwan, Philippines, Indonesia)

slide 8: feedback (maybe oral and asked during previous slide)
. Is there anything that interest you?
. Do you have any suggestion on how to increase the value we could provide
. Is there any specific territory you would like to see GNOME.Asia holding a conference in 2012 and be actively supporting us?

--- End ---


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