Hi all,
Please find below the status report from the GNOME.Asia committee as of today. If you have any question, please feel free to let us know. Thanks!
New GNOME.Asia website launched:
- The new website was launched a few weeks before the hackfest / summit 2011
- With the help from Fred, we got Joomlart! (Vietnam) and Candis (Hong Kong), two regional sponsors to provide the event template and hosting service to us :)
- We believe the new template helps us a lot to showcase our summit and make GNOME.Asia more popular. It's very well integrated with different social network channels, and we recorded a lot more traffic. We will incorporate an analytic tool to track the traffic asap
- Fred constantly updates and maintains the site with latest news
- We need to keep the momentum and attract more contributors to GNOME in Asia. As next step, we will develop a generic site for GNOME.Asia to promote the community and actions all year round
Summit 2011 summary:
- The theme of the summit 2011 is "The next generation free desktop: GNOME 3.0"
- We were told by a lot of attendees that it was the best Free and Open Source Software conference ever in India (a lot better than KDE.in and FOSS.in that hosted not long before our event :-)
- We had over 40 presentations and lightning talks and 30 speakers joined the event (over 90% GNOME related talks, which is 20% higher than in 2007 in Beijing) - thanks to all our GNOME hackers joined the hackfest and summit
- We had over 1,400 participants registered online before the event and recorded a thousand attendees (80% students, 20% delegates) in the conference (1st day: 700+ ppl, 2nd day: 300+ ppl)
- We had less participants as we expected on the 2nd day due to the Cricket Match especially Indian team won the final
- In total we have 15 sponsors and partners, 30 volunteers and 6 exhibitors supported the whole event
1 week activities overview:
GNOME.Asia Summit 2011 is the biggest event ever in terms of variety, on top of the conference, we also hosted :
- 5 days hackfest attended by 17 hackers (Release, Marketing and GNOME.Asia teams), with successful outcome ranging from team building (April Fools joke), a successful and on time GNOME 3.0 release, GNOME.org ready for launch and GNOME 3 website improvements, release notes, advocacy, etc.
- 1 day installfest on a hundred machines all using the latest and greatest of OpenSUSE
- 5 days GNOME 3.0 helpdesk where we helped a hundred users to copy GNOME 3 images to their USB sticks or directly supported installation on their laptops
- 2 days student training with 7 talks and 3 hand on sessions per day, reaching out to 260 students. We gave away certificates to all the attendees
- 1 day business session with 4 talks given by The GNOME Foundation, Oracle, EDF and Lanedo
- 2 days shooting of marketing video campaign “I am GNOME” - We target to finish this marketing video by July 2011 (thanks to Max and Allan)
- 1 face to face distribution collaboration session between interested parties on site - Fred is working on the report and will send out the report as next step
[1] Press coverage
- GUG: We believe there will be a few GNOME User Groups established in India including Bangalore, New Delhi, Chennai, they are in the middle of developing their websites and recruiting members (since some will need our help to provide domain and hosting service, we directed them to gnome-infrastructure mailing)
- GNOME Store: Since we received some demand of purchasing GNOME merchandises, we will follow up with the local GUG to establish GNOME store(s) in India as well
- Popularity: We believe the summit made GNOME a lot more popular in Asia (even outside of Asia :), as we received a lot of request to host the upcoming summit and we are very happy to hear that a lot of our speakers would love to come back for next year
- Contribution: We believe we gained some new GNOME contributors from Asia: we saw some participants of Google Summer of Code and GNOME Outreach Program are coming from the summit
- Publicity: We gained some press coverage for both the event and GNOME 3.0 [1]
- Profitable: We recorded ~$9k profit for the summit 2011 after spending almost $14K in subsidizing 13 hackers of their plane tickets and accommodation fee and almost $ 2K in event organization [2] The profit will go to the GNOME Foundation and we may need it next year
So far we have:
Our report will be in Linux Format in July
* We are preparing press release and promote it to other press e.g. Linux pilot and others
[2] Summit 2011 Profit and Loss Summary
$ 24,120 Sponsorship
$ 390 Donation
$ 44 Others (maybe more, we are waiting for our volunteers to summarize the entrance fee)
$24,554 Total
$13,635 Travel subsidies (we subsidized 13 x return plane tickets and accommodation fee of 13 hackers)
$1,880 Event organization and other fee
$ 15,518 Total expense
$ 9,039 (approximate)
Things to improve for next years:
- We prepared a wiki page for organizers to write down things to be kept / improved for next year:http://live.gnome.org/GnomeAsia/2011Summit/LoveHate We believe there is always rooms for improvement :)
- We also prepared a e-survey to send out to all participants, will gather feedback from this survey and make a report to public as next step
GNOME.Asia Summit 2012:
- We will continue to have regular IRC meetings for GNOME.Asia committee (most likely bi-weekly starting from May, then weekly starting from October 2011)
- We plan to call for host (for GNOME.Asia Summit 2012) before Aug and announce the result in Sep or Oct 2011
- We already have some request to host the summit 2012 from Hong Kong, Indonesia and Malaysia, etc.
- The Summit 2012 will most likely host in the 1st quarter of 2012 (in or before March 2012)
- Pockey
asia-summit-list mailing list
asia-summit-list gnome org