Planned Agenda
- Updates on last week Action Items
- Update on our pre-event survey for GNOME.Asia 2011 and online survey system
- Update from each potential country hosts i.e. India, Indonesia and Hong Kong
- Status update on the three Mailing list
- Brainstorm ideas for Taiwan GNOME User Group (meetings)
- Discuss about communicating with other GUGs to make multi-city launch parties
- Discuss about GNOME.Asia website new content
Action Items
- Fred /Will to follow up on Mario letter
- Will to follow up on the three mailing lists
- Pockey/Fred to follow up on the YMCA Youth Hostel
- Pockey to send an email to the Spanish GNOME community to know what's their plan for the GNOME 3.0 launch
- Everyone to think about / suggest new content items for site
- Everyone to check if there's any interest in a GNOME 3.0 release party in their area (and even beyond)
Venue Updates
- India
- Novell's sponsorship and having their office as a plan B for the venue
- Holding the hackfest/conference in a university then spending a day or two at the Novell office
- Hong Kong
- YMCA Youth Hostel
Noteworthy Stuff
- Sponsorship
- Making sure that we get local sponsors
- Raising money not only for GNOME.Asia 2011, but also for future GNOME.Asia activities
GNOME TW User Group is doing well. Cool! (see
Next Week's Agenda
Discuss new content for