Re: Chinese name for `COSCUP / GNOME.Asia 2010' joint conference

We use GNOME亚洲峰会 in the year 2008, and 2009.

So let's use:
"?源人年? 暨 GNOME ?洲峰?"


2010/5/22 Rex Tsai <rex cc tsai gmail com>
Hi, all

 In order to have a better effect of upcoming promotion for local
media and communities, we believe it's necessary to have a Chinese
name for the joint conference, so people will have better
understanding about the event. The Chinese name will be used in PR,
website, and marketing material like poster.

 COSCUP always use 「?源人年?」, so we are going to proposal two names

1. "?源人年?暨 GNOME.Asia 峰?"
2. "?源人年?暨 GNOME ?洲高峰?"

 Since we are working on marketing materials and PR announcement
right now, we will appreciate an early reply. Please chose the
preferred one as soon as possible. So we will have more lead time to
get  materials ready.



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