GNOME.Asia committee IRC meeting 7 Sep 1400 UTC

Dear all, 

It was great knowing / meeting you from GNOME.Asia 2010. 

Knowing that you have been supporting GNOME.Asia, we would like to
invite you to join our upcoming GNOME.Asia Committee IRC meeting on Sep
7, 14: 00 UTC to talk about the following topics: 

1) To host a hackfest / GNOME 3.0 release party for GNOME.Asia 2011
2) Call for host: potential countries and time-line to send out call for
3) Call for sponsors: suggestions on getting enough funding to host the
4) Start a new Mailing list and IRC channel for GNOME.Asia (not
committee ones) 
5) GNOME.Asia website: building new contents
6) Discuss about the event box / kit for local users group 

Please let us know if you are available to join us :)


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