COSCUP / GNOME.Asia Press Release (English Version)-- Need your help to review

Hi all,

I have finished the draft English version of the COSCUP / GNOME.Asia Press Release.

We need the native English speakers' help on review and edit it.


COSCUP / GNOME.Asia 2010 attracted more than 1000 developers, students, business professionals and government officials participants, and more than 22 well-known international and domestic companies as sponsors.

This year, the annual event COSCUP work with GNOME Foundation co-organize the GNOME.Asia Summit together.  The joint conference COSCUP / GNOME.Asia 2010 was hosted on  Aug 14 - 15, 2010, in Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. COSCUP, a local conference organized by local community, which is growing every year. This year, it attracted more than 1000 participants. All the ticket is sold out just one and a half hour after the online registration was open. In additional to the 1000 participants who arrive upon the scene, there are more than 700 people who also can experience the conference by viewing the online video and text broadcast.

The main theme for COSCUP/GNOME.Asia 2010 are : HTML 5, Open Web, Mobile,  GNOME free desktop technology, and legal and license in FLOSS community etc. The topic are various, more than 80 talks delivered by more than 60 speakers from international and domestic, they delivered speeches, joined panel discuss, had brainstorming, and exchanged new ideas in this conference.

Well-known international and domestic IT companies also actively involved into this conference, they use the golden opportunity to recruit new employees during the conference. They providing more than 50 kinds of work and 1000 opening jobs. Nokia promote and sale their N900 cellphone, as well as invite the speakers to share their latest knowledge and experience about the Meego and Symbian 3.

After the conference, the local community is actively involved into the international community, building a better relationship with the official community and foundation. Local community they has registered the Chinese HTML Interest Group in  World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) ; they are work with GNOME foundation to build the upcoming Taiwan GNOME Users Group; At the same time, local community is planning to found the Taiwan Cloud Computing Users Group with engineers from international and domestic.

The presentations and videos are available on the official website. Please visit COSCUP and GNOME.Asia offcial website:  and


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