Re: [COSCUP-GAS] Tuesday IRC Meeting continues since 8/17 or 8/24?

Dear Pockey,

We just make a restaurant reservation for meeting tonight, hope 10pm will not too late for you all. I just called Emily, and will SMS address to her also.
You can take MRT Blue Line to Zhongxiao Dunhua Exit #1 (忠孝敦化) to the restaurant 京星港式飲茶 2 (map: )

So far, Jouston, Rex, Pingooo, Hychen, Bob and me will attend today :)
If I'm late (due to french class), you can call Bob's mobile just in case.

Name: 京星港式飲茶 PART2 (京星2)
MRT: 忠孝敦化站 1 號出口 / Blue Line to Zhongxiao Dunhua Exit #1
Address: 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段166號2F
Phone: 02-2777-1717

ernest, 0921-225-617

2010/8/17 Ernest Chiang <dwchiang gmail com>
Dear Pockey,

That's cool! We all would like to meet in person tonight :)
Because most people of COSCUP team will attend a HTML5 sharing event[1] of Charles McCathieNevile and Zi Bin Cheah during 19:00~21:00 tonight. and I will finish my today's french class at 21:30. 

Is it okay to meet together at 22:00 today? :)
We are searching a meeting point around MRT Blue Line between Zhongxiao Xinsheng (忠孝新生站) and City Hall (市政府站).

I will inform you asap about the location, and will also send an SMS to Emily's mobile as reference, just in case if you are not convenient to access internet during dinner time later.

We can put some topics in meeting agenda list [2] to save meeting time (to have more chatting time :p).



On Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 2:28 PM, Pockey Lam <pockey beijinglug org> wrote:
Dear Ernest,

After discussion with GNOME.Asia committee, we would love to have the
meeting today at 9pm. Since most of us are still in Taipei including
Brian, Emily, Fred and myself, we can have the meeting either at the
lounge of City Lake Hotel (or anywhere else in Taipei) if you want to
meet in person or by IRC.

What do you think?


On Mon, 2010-08-16 at 17:48 +0800, Ernest Chiang wrote:
> Dear Pockey, Emily,
> Really happy to meet you this weekend, and enjoy the conference
> together :)
> As we discussed last night about that we may need one or two times IRC
> meetings for some after-meeting todos. We also considered that you may
> just fly back to BJ today or tomorrow which may be tired. Just a short
> confirmation that will we have a IRC meeting on 8/17? or we can have
> IRC meetings on 8/24 and 8/31 with some more meeting preparation (ex:
> finance numbers...). If we don't have IRC on 8/17, we can still share
> and discuss via emails before IRC on 8/24.
> Wish you all enjoy the post-tour in Taipei today!
> I really want to join with you today, but need to catch up company's
> project schedule. I will visit you in BJ in the near future :)
> ernest,

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