Re: Lastest Proposal Version and Sponsorship document


thanks a lot. I added/changed your points.

- Mario

On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 4:56 AM, Brian Cameron <Brian Cameron sun com> wrote:
> Mario:
>> enclosed the latest version of the Summit Proposal and the Invitation
>> for Sponsorship.
>> I seperated these two documents. It makes it easier for us.
> I think it would be good to send these documents to the
> marketing-list gnome org for a few days of further review before sending
> them out.  Just to make sure that there aren't any issues with the
> messaging.
> That said, these look good to me.  I have some comments below.
> In the Sponsorship document:
> I wonder why the Platinum Sponsor gets 1 stand, but no booths, while the
> other types of sponsors get booths.  Why are stands at the company's
> expense, but the booths do not say they are at the company's expense.
> Seems a little odd that both Platinum sponsors get stands, but for
> different numbers of days than other kinds of sponsors.
> The Platinum sponsor gets 12 company registrations.  I think it would
> also be good to give Gold/Silver/Bronze sponsors a smaller number of
> free registrations.  Especially so for Gold and Silver.  Giving $5,000
> or more seems to warrant being able to send some people at no further
> charge.
> Might also be good to check with Stormy and find out if there is
> any additional advertisements that the general GNOME community could
> provide as additional benefits to GNOME.Asia sponsors.
> In the GNOME Asia Summit Proposal:
> Page 3:
>> "More than 500 multipliers"
> Is "multipliers" the right word here?
>> "Distributions like Ubuntu, Debian, RedHat, Mandriva,
>>  OpenSolaris and many others implement GNOME and contribute to the
>>  desktop leading the market with virus resistant operating
>>  systems
> I would say "and many other distribute with GNOME".  I would also say
> "Red Hat" not "RedHat".  You use "RedHat" or "Redhat" in several places
> in this document.
> Also, in two places you refer to "Sun".  I'd say "Sun Microsystems"
> since Sun prefers its full name in documents like this.
> GNOME does not really lead the desktop market, perhaps it would be more
> accurate to say "leading the free desktop market".
> Page 6:
> The header says "Outcome GNOME.Asia 2008".  I would say "The Outcome of
> GNOME.Asia 2008".
>>  "Totally 400 people has registered.  10% of them are from other
>>  countries"
> I would use the past tense.  "In total, 400 people registered, 10% of
> them were from other countries"
> Again, it says:
>>  "Totally we have 40 speakers, more than 40 speech sessions and BOF"
> I would say "We had 40 speakers with more than 40 talks and BOF's"
> You say "gtk-based".  I would say "GTK+ based".
> Page 8:
> I am the "GNOME Foundation board secretary", so please use that title
> for me.
> Thanks,
> Brian

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