Meeting minutes_Oct 27

Hi all,

these are the important notes from GNOME.Asia bi-weekly meeting held
today (Oct 27).

Hong Phuc


Emily Chen
Will Lashell
Hong Phuc Dang
Pockey Lam
Frederic Muller

#1 License for GNOME.Asia 2009 Summit
We need to prepare the following documents (in Vietnamese) to obtain
the Summit License:
-Conference Schedule: Mario is working on it.
-List of foreign speakers and their talks: Emily will ask more people
in the global team to submit the talks. Emily suggested to use last
year talks for the license.
-Hong Phuc and local team need to translate all documents to Vietnamese asps.

#2 Status of call for speakers
-15 confirmed speakers: 10 local + 5 international
-Our target: 40 speakers: 30 local + 10 international
Hong Phuc and local team need to invite more local speakers to fill
out the tracks.
Emily can fly 10 speakers from abroad.
Fred is inviting Jon Philips to become a speaker.

#3 Design of conference material
-Local team is designing T-shirt for volunteers and participants
-Fred and Will will help on designing banners, posters, and X-stand.
-Hong Phuc will send Fred and Will ideas, content, size and
high-resolution images of the venue.
-Emily will also give advices on the design.

#4 Update on sponsors
-Hong Phuc talked with Intel. Intel said they will sponsor laptop for
Lucky Draw.

#5 Press Conference
-QTSC will help us organize a Press Conference on Nov 10
-Around 50 journalists are expected to show up (said QTSC)
-Mario and Hong Phuc need to prepare press material.

Action Items

Emily           - help getting the list of foreign speakers for the license
Mario           - work on the schedule
Hong Phuc  -translate all documents to Vietnamese for the license
Emily            -help on call for oversea speakers
Will/Fred       - will help to design banners, posters, x-stand
Emily            -also give ideas on design
Fred             -will help inviting speakers
Hong Phuc   - Invite more local speakers
Mario/HP      -prepare press material

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