Too much clicks

Hi all,

i am a little busy at this time, much work most be done at work and
nearly i get exams in the Uni. So i am sorry, i dont do anything about
web-services at this time, if some body will continuer my work, its very
welcome, please contact me personaly. I get continue my work as soon i
get a little more free time for this.

Another think, what i will write ontopic:

If you are logined to the site, you must every time make one more click,
after every action. I see this need if action goes throw errors, you
must inform user about errors. But if action ends successfull - there is
no need to make user wait and ask for one more click. Action is allready
done. There is no need for confirmation.

So possible solutions:
1. Remove this at all, do report only if there is an error.
2. Do javascript redirect after 1 second and inform user about
redirection (not so good, make unnecesary server load).
3. Think about globak AJAX usage on page. This is more complex
sollution. You can put content on page without reloading whole page. As
soon user click to submit butoon on the page, you make HTTPRequest and
update only part of the page, so you can inform about making submittion,
than do show results and move user to content hi made.

What you think?

Kulyk Nazar

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