Re: What about WordPress or something similar?

I thought I would add my 0.02 EUR to the debate.

I have some experience with different CMSes, including Mambo/Jomla and Plone, and I also hacked up, based on a.g.o. We are currently moving our main Ubuntu website from Plone (which has caused us issues) to a Moin-based solution. Yes, it's a wiki, but it can do much more. The advantage is that it's extremely flexible, both for admins and users. It's also under active development and has plugins for gallery, comments, voting, etc.

Here is the soon-to be-launched Ubuntu site:

And here are some other Moin based sites I've worked on:

And here is a basic gallery in Moin:

We could set it up so that users could upload their own images, but only be linked in to the main pages after approval. Automatic resizing already exists. Users can also set up their own homepages, write artwork tutorials, etc. It stores everything in plain files, so there is no database pain.

- Henrik

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