Re: [anjuta-list] [anjuta-devel] Add new target


Le 12/08/2016 14:40, Igor Korot a écrit :
Are you saying that configure script is generated when the project is created?
And not when the _first_ build is initiated?

No, it is not generated when the project is created. It is generated by a script name or the program autoconf. In Anjuta, it's a bit hidden because it's done automatically when you click on Build->Configure project. You can force the generation by click in the check box regenerate project.

I'm not talking about source/header files here.
I'm using wxWidgets, and so for every added library I have to set its
C++ and Linker Options using wx-config.

If this library doesn't use pkg-config, I think that's normal.

Is it the same for native GTK+ application using Anjuta? That you need
to set properties for every .so file with pkg-config?

When the library use pkg-config, you need to add this "library" to all the programs (=target) in your project needing it.

What about Is it also regenerated every time?

These are generated when you configure your project. These are intermediate files between and Makefile.

Well is still a Makefile, right?

Not really, they are not directly used to build your project, as the configure script will generate real Makefile from them. You cannot use them as makefile without autotools. But you can add in them make rules those will be copied in the generated makefile.

P.S.: BTW, where is the configure line stored? The one I see in the
"Build->Configure Project..." dialog?


Best Regards,


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