Hello Igor. Am 14.04.2016 um 19:11 schrieb Igor Korot:
extern "C" makes it work as now the function will be exported without name mangling. However, since I need to return a C++ object this will not work as the function has C-linkage.
What do you mean with will not work? A pointer is a pointer. You can return a pointer to a C++ object using an extern "C" function.
So with MSVC I can use "/EXPORT:" link option to assign a name to the exported function. So, if I give a linker following "/EXPORT:MyFunc", MSVC will find the appropriate function and will export it with the name "_MyFunc", as if I use 'extern "C"' instead of "@v MyFunc@v".
Isn't this even more complicated then declaring a extern "C" block?
You mean I can write something like this: #ifdef WIN32 __declspec(dllexport) #endif MyClass *MyFunc() { } and then do this: void *dl_ptr = dlopen("my_dll" ); MYFUNC func = (MYFUNC) dlsym( dl_ptr, "MyFunc" ); and it will work. This code will find MyFunc inside libmy_dll.so library and everything will be good?
That won't work. PS: Have you read this page? http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/html_single/C++-dlopen/ You can either flatten your class and make the instance an opaque pointer (which is great for using C++ classes in languages other than C++) or export an abstract class (also known as an interface) to be consumed by C++ clients. -- Mit freundlichen Grüßen Jens Mühlenhoff
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