Re: [anjuta-list] Use of GSettings


> I have port anjuta-extras to use GSettings, so I can use Scintilla again 
> with the latest version of Anjuta.

Thanks! Likely that I break it rather soon with the gtk+3 port though
but Massimo talked to the scintilla maintainer and he promised a gtk+3

> The document manager display the zoom value. The zoom value is defined 
> in the document manager plugin and the document get it using:
> 	g_settings_get_int (plugin->settings, TEXT_ZOOM_FACTOR);
> This value is set by Scintilla. In the Scintilla plugin, I set and get 
> this value using a GSettings object created with the schema 
> corresponding to the document manager 
> "org.gnome.anjuta.document-manager". But it seems that the document 
> manager doesn't get the right value.
> Is it enough to use same schema name to share some settings ? Or should 
> I use the same GSettings object ?

I do that with some values for the sourceview plugin, too  and it seems
to work. So, I think this is the right the way you did it.

The GSettings object is just a thin wrapper without any real
information. When you create three GSettings objects with the same
schema they should all access the same backend.


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