Re: [Anjuta-list] error to compile a c++ project


ginzzer a écrit :
I have installed anjuta  2.27.*(unstable version), I create a new
project for c++, when I build the project, it shows

"configure: error: Your intltool is too old. You need intlttol 0.35.0 or
later." However, I have installed 0.40.x version which can be checked by intltool-update --version
If I remove everything within "if test -n "0.35.0"; then" in configurate,
then it goes without any problem. But how to solve that problem

That's problably the IT_PROG_INTLTOOL which is not defined correctly on your system.

In the template you have
It means that we check for intltool version 0.35.0 or above. So it should work on your system. It's working here and I have intltool 0.40.6

You can look at the macro definition normally in /usr/share/aclocal/intltool.m4.



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