[Anjuta-list] Project Import Problems....

Hi All,

I imported gnuradio, and it seems that the source files didn't get added
into the project.  So I went and right clicked on the gnuradio-core
folder and added it to the / target.  Anjuta has been using about 100%
of the CPU for at least fifteen or twenty minutes on my Core2Duo Laptop
now.  Is that normal?  Is this what I should do to get the source files
indexed, etc.?

Rob Frohne, Ph.D., P.E.
E.F. Cross School of Engineering
Walla Walla University
100 SW 4th Street
College Place, WA 99324
(509) 527-2075			 http://people.wallawalla.edu/~Rob.Frohne/

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