Re: [Anjuta-list] Hello, World! debugging problem

Pino Giaquinto ha scritto lo scorso 14/07/2005 22:19:
I have installed Anjuta 1.2.3 on my Fedora Core 4.
I can generate projects, build them but I cannot debug.

I start the debugger from the debug menu (with or without any
breakpoint) then I start step-in using F5 key.
The debug stop on line:


If I wish to stop the program using this option from debug menu or from
toolbar... it don't stops! I cannot stop the debugger also!
Step-in, step-out and all other options in debug menu are disabled: I
can just close anjuta and restart it :-(

Please help me!

With wich options did you make your applications? In order to use gdb, you must have -g -O0 as CFLAGS. As a further check, you can run directly gdb and see what's going on (but I believe that gdb will freeze too).

I'm sorry for my very bad english...
Never mind; in a mailing list, it's only a way to make people understand themselves ;-)

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