Re: [Anjuta-list]

L.Isella wrote:

I tried running the autogen script with the following results:

lorenzo mypc:~/Projects/dyhtru$ ./
Hm, I don't like this "dyhtru$", there's something wrong in this name...

Running ./configure --enable-maintainer-mode ...
./configure: line 1260: syntax error near unexpected token `dyhtru,'
./configure: line 1260: `AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(dyhtru, 0.1)'
lorenzo mypc:~/Projects/dyhtru$

Aha! It seems like nobody loves this "$" at the end of a directory name! It's omited in

`AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(dyhtru, 0.1)'. Perhaps it interferes somehow with configure script.

How should I add the content of the mentioned files to aclocal.m4???
There is nothing serious (I suppose) in this warning - I've got the same and it works nevertheless.
   Igor Gorbounov

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